Amendments to GIBNA Act has been passed by voice vote amidst pandemonium in Rajya Sabha today 11th August 2021

Dear Comrades, it is most unfortunate Bill on Amendments to GIBNA Act has been passed by voice vote amidst pandemonium in Rajya Sabha today (11.08.21).   Though various political parties have given their notice that they intend to move a resolution, all could not move for the tense situation prevailed. Though based on the strength of opposition parties in Rajya Sabha are short of a majority, it was expected with the support of YSRC and BJD they would have made the task of the Government tough. We also expected there will be good deliberations on the positive aspects of the existence of PSGI Companies by the opposition so as to reach the common man. But, the situation prevalent in the Sabha has not given room for the same. Today will be engraved as BLACK DAY for PSGI Companies in history.  We shall register our strong protest and strategise our future course to expose the Government's hollowness on their decision in paving way for privatization and take the message to the public at large and create opinion against the bill and force them to take back the same - KG, GS, GIEAIA


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