The last date for renewal of the policy is 31st March 2021

All retirees, please hurry up. The last date for renewal of the policy is 31st March 2021. Don't wait for the last date. Pay the premium today itself if you have not paid. It's our duty to pay the premium in time. Please tell other retirees about the same. Wish you all Happy Holi. Be careful about your and other members of the family from Covid 19. Keep sanitizing your hand whenever go out and keep a safe distance from others. Wear Mask when you are out of your house. 

U. Banerjee.


Guest? Potential Sponsors? Questions? Get in touch.

  • General Insurance Pensioners Association
    Sterling Cinema Building
    3rd Floor, 65,
    Murzban Road
  • 022 22070058
    022 22073508